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AES Basketball / Lil’ Hoopers tournament

Samedi 27 mars, une sélection de basketteurs de CM2/Collège a représenté le LFIB au tournoi organisé à Wellington College. Beaucoup d’engagement, un bel esprit collectif et les encouragements des parents ont permis à l’équipe de remporter ses 3 matchs de poule avant de s’incliner de justesse en prolongation en finale. Un grand bravo à toute l’équipe!

(Message de l’organisateur, Coach David)
Dear French School,
I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for participating in our Lil’ Hoopers tournament. I was extremely surprised and impressed with your team. There are many players at your school with great potential as future basketball players. Your players, coaches, and parents represented your school community very well. I am excited to continue to work with Lek and Sebastian in helping to develop the program there at the French School.

Great Job,