• French
  • English
  • Thai

Secondary Programs


(from 11 to 15 years old)

Our Collège welcomes all students from Primary school, without any specific exam, for four years (6ème, 5ème, 4ème and 3ème).


The 6ème is a year to consolidate the learnings from Primary school and to initiate the students to new working methods.

In 5ème and 4ème, the objective is to allow all students to broaden their knowledge and skills.


In 3ème, they complete their Collège learnings and they get ready for Lycée. At the end of their 3ème, students sit for “Diplôme National du Brevet” (DNB), the French equivalent to the GCSE.


Learning in the Collège is organised per subject: French, Maths, History-Geography-Civics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry, Technology, Arts, Music, and Physical Education. Foreign Languages are fundamental:
English is taught as the first foreign language and the learnings are set with specific modules to better practise oral skills. A second foreign language is introduced in 5ème to be chosen between Chinese, German and Spanish.


The Thai language is taught as an introductory or reinforced course.


At our school, our students have a fantastic learning environment with small group classes. In 2021, we had approximately 20 students per class.


(from 15 to 18 years old)

The Lycée includes three school years (Seconde, Première and Terminale).


With the new Baccalauréat, students do not get to choose a specific series (ES, L, S) as they used to, but at the end of Seconde, they have the opportunity to specialise in order to strengthen their knowledge in a select number of subjects.


At the Lycée, we offer 8 learning “spécialités” (major subjects).
With the new requirements of the Baccalauréat, the Thai language can be one of the subjects selected to be presented at the final exam.


The learning environment is a very positive one as we have an average of 20 students per class (2021 data), with even smaller groups in some subject areas.


In 2021, our success rate at the Baccalauréat was 98%.