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La France en Europe

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  • La France en Europe

Aside from the blue flag with 12 gold stars, how to represent the European Union on a single painting ? We have chosen to illustrate here the diversity, yet the unity, of the European Union through its rich architectural heritage. This has survived the centuries and continues to reinvent itself thanks to numerous contemporary creations that mark the urban landscapes. This picture represents together the most famous or emblematic buildings of each Member State, interacting with some Thai monuments. We invite you to discover them on your next trip to Europe. [uniquement dans la version écrite pour pouvoir ôter cette phrase à la fin de l’année – Each semester, a Member State is highlighted by chairing the Council of the European Union: in 2022 France then the Czech Republic. We also added a building which is a workplace for the European Union, in Brussels: will you be able to find it?

Chloé PANZANI, 5eme D