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Mr. Shibuya, from student leader to CEO, always eco-conscious.

As part of the school program on young people and their involvement in the world,  Hironobu Shibuya accepted Mr Frayssinhes’ invitation on Monday March 28th  to the LFIB to share with the students of Seconde C his personal life and career: from a student leader against the Vietnam War and the apartheid system in South Africa to a volunteer in European-based international NGOs, serving in various capacities in the United Nations, he participated in various international agreements such as the 10 year moratorium against whaling in 1974 and the Climate Conference or “Earth Summit” of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro where he was the Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the UN .

Most recently, Mr Shibuya served as a Special Adviser to the Nippon Foundation, the largest philanthropic foundation in Japan. Today the CEO of his own company PBP, Pacific Basin Partners, Mr Shibuya, still keeps in touch with new generations to encourage them to contribute to their environment and make the world a better place.